Knuckles Tips

Sitting here waiting for Sean to finish chemotherapy. I think I finally snapped into place that we're moving to Fort X in X weeks...

Then I asked myself, "What is this the...n times we moved?" And wow I really can't remember the number. And even got the urge to call my parents at work just so I can ask how many times we moved...I think I'd have better luck with my grandparents, it seems like they actually keep track of these things...

Setting the number aside...I just read a good friend's blog on her first PCS and couldn't help but laugh at the little things on her page. "And by Swiss and I, I mean that I am doing it and Swiss is going to have to listen to me bitch..." and the "FIND AN OBVIOUS, SAFE PLACE FOR THE PCS ORDERS."

Not to mention it made me think of what Mom went through when Dad wasn't home and I wasn't born (or not old enough) to help her through the crazy mess. So, I thought, hey fun thing. She's writing about the adult with spouse deployed crazy military life and not to mention PCS. I guess I'll give it a go on the brat side and not to mention the chair part too. (Not that anyone would ever read this in the future...but hey it gives me something to do other than all this AP summer homework...oh and packing...)

Here goes nothing...literally, ha.

Military Related:
Knuckles Tip #1- PCS (Inspired by Tucker)
Knuckles Tip #2- Shock (Inspired by Tucker)
Knuckles Tip #3- Packing
Knuckles Tip #4- Moving Day
Knuckles Tip #4 Part 2- Moving Day Cont.
Knuckles Tip #5- Driving to your new Post
Knuckles Tip #5 Part 2- Flying to your new post
Knuckles Tip #6- Hotel Life

For more on the adventure of Tucker&Swiss, check them out here. Trust me, some will make you laugh: