I'm in the hospital cuz of this bugger Pneumonia. I'm bored, completely miserable and feels like I'm dying.
It's times like this I realize I'm waiting for something.
I'm waiting for people.
The true friends and family.
That ain't avoiding or ignoring my existence.
That won't avoid the topic of my health or my sanity.
That won't ignore my call/text.
That won't find excuses.
It's been a long time since anyone would just call/IM/Skype/text just to say hi, check in, and chat. Excuses everywhere. There is now a wall shielding me from the world. And a large sign behind me that states:
I wonder if anyone will miss me and talk about me when I'm dead and gone.
I wonder what they'd say.
Or maybe it won't matter at all.
Maybe I don't have any friends. Just acquaintances, souls floating outside of the shield.
I know you won't know who I am but I hope you're okay..?
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