Sunday, June 20, 2010

Week of June 20th, 2010

On Friday I wrote something on a day that I miss my parents and now, I miss my Dad bits more.

Growing up Dad missed a lot of holidays, celebrations, and yes, many Father's Days. I've always thought that I'm used to Dad not being here on Father's Day. I thought I was okay looking at my friends chilling out with their Dad and having a good time together. I thought I was fine with me sitting in the house with Sarah without Dad on Father's Day.

But I thought wrong. It's Father's Day and I miss my Father.

My Father, the one who believes in Freedom and is fighting for everyone's right to practice that freedom.

My Father, the one that sacrifices the time to be with his second child so he can be there for his team and his buddies.

My Father, the one that misses his love and best friend dearly but know that somewhere in Heaven, she is looking and smiling down at her like she always did before.

This song is for you, Dad, Happy Father's Day and thank you for being my Dad.
Come home soon.

Thank you for shaping my life,
Thank you for teaching me all you can,
You are no ordinary man,
You make me everything I am.

Thank you for taking the time,
Thank you for showing me the way,
And thank you for being there
When I need you,
Thank you for every single day.


Thank you for your guiding hand,
Thank you for making my dreams come true,
You’re an extraordinary man,
And I hope you’re as proud of me
As I am proud of you.

Thank you for giving me life,
Thank you for showing me good from bad.
I guess I’m only really trying to say,
Thank you for being my Dad.

Thank You for Being My Dad by Jon Barker
Lyrics available here.


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